On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Greg Smith wrote:
On Sun, 4 Oct 2009, Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:
On Fri, 2 Oct 2009, Scott Marlowe wrote:
I found that lowering checkpoint completion target was what helped.
Does that seem counter-intuitive to you?
I set it to 0.0 now.
If you set that to 0.0, the whole checkpoing spreading logic doesn't apply
like it's supposed to. I'm not sure what the results you posted mean now. If
you had it set to 0 and saw a bad spike (which is how I read your message),
I'd say "yes, that's what happens when you do reduce that parameter, so don't
do that". If you meant something else please clarify.
I think the problem is, that it is done on checkpoint time (whether spread
or not). I should have been already be done by bgwriter.
Thanks for the dtrace example, I suggested we add those checkpoint probes in
there and someone did, but I hadn't seen anybody use them for anything yet.
I think more probes (e.g. on different writing conditions like writing
from bgwriter or on a checkpoint) would be interesting here.
Bug1: usage_count is IHMO not consistent
It's a bit hack-ish, but the changes made to support multiple buffer use
strategies introduced by the "Make large sequential scans and VACUUMs work in
a limited-size ring" commit are reasonable even if they're not as consistent
as we'd like. Those changes were supported by benchmarks proving their
utility, which always trump theoretical "that shouldn't work better!" claims
when profiling performance.
Also, they make sense to me, but I've spent a lot of time staring at
pg_buffercache output to get a feel for what shows up in there under various
circumstances. That's where I'd suggest you go if this doesn't seem right to
you; run some real database tests and use pg_buffercache to see what's inside
the cache when you're done. What's in there and what I expected to be in
there weren't always the same thing, and it's interesting to note how that
changes as shared_buffers increases. I consider some time studying that a
pre-requisite to analyzing performance of this code.
I have analyzed pg_buffercache (query every second, see below) in parallel
to see what happens but I didn't see expected results in some ways with
the usage_counts. Therefore I analyzed the code and found IHMO the problem
with the usage_count and buffer reallocation. Since the code change is
also new (I think it way 05/2009) it might be that you tested before ...
BTW: Is it possible to get everything in pg_class over all databases as
Bug2: Double iteration of buffers
As you can seen in the calling tree below there is double iteration with
buffers involved. This might be a major performance bottleneck.
Hmmm, this might be a real bug causing scans through the buffer cache to go
twice as fast as intended.
That's not twice O(2*n)=O(n) that's a factor n*n (outer and inner loop
iteration) which means overall is O(n^2) which is IHMO too much.
Since the part you suggest is doubled isn't very
intensive or called all that often, there's no way it can be a major issue
It is a major issue since it is O(n^2) and not O(n). E.g. with 2GB share
buffer we have 262144 blocks and 68719476736 calls which is far too much.
That's based on knowing what the code does and how much it was
called, as well as some confidence that if it were really a *major* problem,
it would have shown up on the extensive benchmarks done on all the code paths
you're investigating.
The problem might be hidden for the following reasons:
1.) Buffers values are too low that even n^2 is low for today's machines
2.) Code is not often called in that way
3.) backend writes out pages so that the code is never executed
4.) ...
BTW: Are there some tests available how fast a buffer cache hit is and a
disk cache hit is (not in the buffer cache but in the disk cache)? I'll
asked, because a lot of locking is involved in the code.
I did some once but didn't find anything particularly interesting about the
results. Since you seem to be on a research tear here, it would be helpful
to have a script to test that out available, I wasn't able to release mine
and something dtrace based would probably be better than the approach I used
(I threw a bunch of gettimeofdata calls into the logs and post-processed them
with a script).
Do you have an where one should set tracepoints inside and outside
BTW2: Oracle buffercache and background writer strategy is also
As a rule, we don't post links to other database implementation details here,
as those can have patented design details we'd prefer not to intentionally
re-implement. Much of Oracle's design here doesn't apply here anyway, as it
was done in the era when all of their writes were synchronous. That required
them to worry about doing a good job on some things in their background
writer that we shrug off and let os writes combined with fsync handle
Ok, no problem.
WHEN datname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.reldatabase::text
ELSE datname
END AS database,
WHEN spcname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.reltablespace::text
ELSE spcname
END AS tablespace,
WHEN relname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.relfilenode::text
ELSE relname
END AS relation,
WHEN relkind IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.relfilenode::text
ELSE relkind
END AS relkind,
usagecount > 0 AS usagecount_gt_0,
MIN(relblocknumber) AS min_blocknumber,
MAX(relblocknumber) AS max_blocknumber,
ROUND(AVG(relblocknumber),2) AS avg_blocknumber,
ROUND(STDDEV(relblocknumber),2) AS stddev_blocknumber,
COUNT(*) AS count
LEFT JOIN pg_class ON pg_buffercache.relfilenode = pg_class.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace ON pg_buffercache.reltablespace =
LEFT JOIN pg_database ON pg_buffercache.reldatabase = pg_database.oid
isdirty = true
WHEN datname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.reldatabase::text
ELSE datname
WHEN spcname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.reltablespace::text
ELSE spcname
WHEN relkind IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.relfilenode::text
ELSE relkind
WHEN relname IS NULL THEN pg_buffercache.relfilenode::text
ELSE relname
usagecount > 0,
--HAVING relkind = 'r'
relkind DESC,
usagecount > 0,
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