Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
Also, however, I bet 7.2 cannot be compiled on Fedora 11. The oldest PG
version that I could build on Fedora 11 was 8.0, IIRC. Apart from these,
dump/restore from 7.2 to 8.3 will probably not work.
oh, thats going to be fun. fyi, the 7.2 sources are here...
I'm giving a try building on centos 5 (rhel5) just for the fun of it.
this uses gcc 4.1.2 by default. it also has a gcc 3.4.6 -compat
version I could try if this fails. lotsa compile warnings so far.
this actually seems to have worked... as user 'pierce'...
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/pierce/pg72 --with-pgport=5433
$ make
$ make install
$ /home/pierce/pg72/bin/initdb -D /home/pierce/pg72/data
$ vi /home/pierce/pg72/data/postgresql.conf ## change port=5433
$ /home/pierce/pg72/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/pierce/pg72/data -l logfile
$ /home/pierce/pg72/bin/psql -U pierce -p 5433 template1
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
template1=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner
template0 | pierce
template1 | pierce
(2 rows)
template1=# select version();
PostgreSQL 7.2.8 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)
(1 row)
template1=# \q
like, holy karap.
Apart from these, dump/restore from 7.2 to 8.3 will probably not work.
thats going to be a bigger problem. dunno how you'd get around that,
or how many intermediate versions youd have to go through. wild guess
says, 7.2 -> 7.4 -> 8.3 may work.
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