On Tuesday 11 May 2004 09:44 am, Bruce Momjian wrote: [snip] > > > > Bruce Momjian kirjutas E, 10.05.2004 kell 06:58: > > > > > Added to TODO: > > > > > > > > > > * Add MERGE command that does UPDATE, or on failure, INSERT > > > > [snip] Hello all. I have been lurking here for a bit and the MERGE topic (on [HACKERS]) caught my eye, so I had a go at implementing a basic version of MERGE-on-INSERT in pl/pgsql. It is attached below, and any comments are welcome. I find it useful on "status" type tables, though it is not very nice when there are many clients (table locking to avoid race conditions). Hope someone will find it useful! -miker
-- -- Merge on INSERT functionallity for Postgres 7.3+ -- -- miker@purplefrog.com / 5-14-04 -- -- CAVEAT EMPTOR: Uses table locks to avoid concurrency issues, -- so it WILL slow down heavily loaded tables. -- This effecivly puts the table into -- TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE mode. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_merge_on_insert ( TEXT, -- table name TEXT, -- key column TEXT[] -- column list to update on deduplication ) RETURNS TEXT RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS ' DECLARE tablename ALIAS FOR $1; keycol ALIAS FOR $2; updatecols ALIAS FOR $3; trig TEXT; arraydims TEXT; BEGIN trig := \' CREATE FUNCTION "\' || tablename || \'_merge_on_insert_proc" () RETURNS TRIGGER AS \'\' DECLARE orig \' || quote_ident(tablename) || \'%ROWTYPE; BEGIN LOCK TABLE \' || quote_ident(tablename) || \' IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; SELECT INTO orig * FROM \' || quote_ident(tablename) || \' WHERE \' || quote_ident(keycol) || \' = NEW.\' || quote_ident(keycol) || \'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; UPDATE \' || quote_ident(tablename) || \' SET \'; arraydims := array_dims(updatecols); FOR i IN 1 .. (substring(arraydims from (position(\':\' in arraydims) + 1 ) for ( position(\']\' in arraydims) - (position(\':\' in arraydims) + 1 ) )))::INT LOOP trig := trig || quote_ident(updatecols[i]) || \' = COALESCE( NEW.\' || quote_ident(updatecols[i]) || \', orig.\' || quote_ident(updatecols[i]) || \'), \'; END LOOP; trig := substring( trig from 0 for (character_length(trig) - 1)); trig := trig || \' WHERE \' || quote_ident(keycol) || \' = NEW.\' || quote_ident(keycol) || \'; RETURN NULL; END; \'\' LANGUAGE \'\'plpgsql\'\'; \'; EXECUTE trig; EXECUTE \' CREATE TRIGGER "\' || tablename || \'_merge_on_insert_trig" BEFORE INSERT ON \' || quote_ident(tablename) || \' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "\' || tablename || \'_merge_on_insert_proc" (); \'; RETURN \'FUNCTION \' || tablename || \'_merge_on_insert_proc (); TRIGGER \' || tablename || \'_merge_on_insert_trig;\'; END; '; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_merge_on_insert ( TEXT -- table name ) RETURNS TEXT RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS ' BEGIN EXECUTE \'DROP FUNCTION "\' || $1 || \'_merge_on_insert_proc" () CASCADE;\'; RETURN \'FUNCTION \' || $1 || \'_merge_on_insert_proc (); TRIGGER \' || $1 || \'_merge_on_insert_trig;\'; END; ';
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match