I have two machines between which I exchange dumps a lot. On the first (Windows/cygwin), pgsql was set up with "Administrator" as the main superuser - who owns all schemas in template0 and template1. On the second machine (Linux), "postgres" is pgsql's main superuser. On whatever machines I do "createdb", the owner of the schemas in template0/1 is copied over to the schemas in the new database, even when specifying the owner parameter (shouldn't the owner of the database own all schemas in it?). This creates problems when dumping and importing between the machines. The "SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'Administrator';" causes errors when trying to import on the machine without user "Administrator".
What's the best way to remedy the problems caused by the two different superusers? I've thought about trying to change all instances of "Administrator" to "postgres" on the first machine, but don't know how to go about it.
If you haven't already, check out pg_dump's -O option. This suppresses all ownership data from the backup, so you'll never get any "SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION..." lines at all. My setup doesn't use schemas, though, so I can't be sure there aren't any issues lurking there, but I can't see why there would be.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster