PgBrowse is a multiplatform Postgresql database browser written in Tcl/Tk. PgBrowse provides an easy to use interface to Postgresql 7.4*
PgBrowse provides a simple text pane for entering SQL or PL/* code. The user can choose to execute a single line, multiple statements or the contents of the entire edit window. Server notices and selection results are displayed in their own "panes".
The program will use L Bayuk's pgintcl postgres-tcl interface if the standard postgresql library is not present. Thus *no* postgresql software need be present to use the program.
I have run the program on MacOS X and Windows XP. I have not heard any feedback on Linux ( but a recent version of Tcl/Tk should be sufficient).
The home for the software is
Sweet, works great. I was able to use the query pane to run queries and use the showtable pop-up to retrieve all 100,000 rows in my test accounts table.
SuSE 9 pro, pg 7.4.2.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend