I need to synchronize some tables from a database (master) to another one (slave).
Both servers are running Debian Woody with PostgreSQL 7.2.1 (postgresql 7.2.1-2woody4).
The databases are in unicode and doesn't contain any binary data.
The tables have primary/foreign key constraints, sequences and indexes, but no triggers/rules. There are OIDs but these are different on the 2 databases. In fact they are not used by the application.
I need to do that ASAP, and hopefully only once (there are already some kind of home-made replication scripts, that are not the origin of my problem).
Later I would like to set up pgreplication or something... any advice on that is welcomed too ;-)
What would be the fastest way to achieve that?
On the master: For each table, use COPY TO or pg_dump?
On the slave: - delete everything from these tables - drop the FK constraints - (drop indexes?) - vacuum (or later?) - import from files (using COPY FROM or pg_restore) - recreate the FK constraints - update the sequences - reindex (or recreate them)
Does that sound good?
Thanks for you help, Pascal Polleunus
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match