> > 4. Very long list of procmail filters on header and body patterns.
It must be pretty difficult maintain these header and body patterns and the others lists. I had same problem and I resolve if by "spamassassin", it knows learn and it's more simple than procmailrc coding. Now I have cca 5% of all spams in my INBOX.
My spam:ham ratio is about 98:2 (98% spam), excluding mailing lists.
So far its manageable though rather annoying - fortunately in my situation I can regard as spam emails that are in html (or have HTML) and not in my whitelist. That gets rid of about 50% of the spam, the other 40% or so get filtered via another simple filter.
My situation=I don't really have to answer messages to my personal email account from ignorant strangers that send me html email. Your situation may be different.
So far I haven't seen any html emails that were really worth reading, even the one or two from relatives (who I white-list to not be rude ;) ). I go through that folder once in a while and it works for me - so far I don't recall having HTML emails from strangers that weren't spam.
I've had plain text messages from silly strangers (and a silly colleague) that used lots of !!!! and stupid subject lines - actual content barely worth replying to. e.g. Help!!!!!
Situation is different at work. But company pays for antispam software. Ironically while we sell Sophos Puremessage (which seems to be pretty good), it's for larger companies/orgs than us (>1000 users). ;).
The backup MX thing is not very useful in most cases. Seems similar for DNS - doesn't appear that useful to have your names resolvable while your site is unreachable. OK the error messages may be slightly less embarassing?
Regards, Link.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match