is the file system approach really easier and faster? What if you need to protect the image data e.g. you dont want users just to just dowload the pictures directly from your website?
Jeremiah Jahn wrote:
There has got to be some sort of standard way to do this. We have the same problem where I work. Terabytes of images, but the question is still sort of around "BLOBs or Files?" Our final decision was to use the file system. We found that you didn't really gain anything by storing the images in the DB, other than having one place to get the data from. The file system approach is much easier to backup, because each image can be archived separately as well as browsed by 3rd party tools.
On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 07:40, Cott Lang wrote:
On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 01:44, Michal Hlavac wrote:
Hello,Consider breaking your directories up, i.e.:
I am working on web portal. There are some ads. We have about 200 000 ads. Every ad have own directory called ID, where is 5 subdirectories with various sizes of 5 images.
Filesystem is too slow. But I don't know, if I store these images into
postgres, performace will grow.
/ads/(ID % 1000)/ID
I use that for a system with several million images, works great. I really don't think putting them in the database will do anything positive for you. :)
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