How do I update pg's date? It doesn't appear to have been updated with DST. I was under the impression that changing the system's date/time (date -s "...") would cause pg to use that. [root@domain data]# date Sun Apr 11 00:39:07 MDT 2004 [root@domain data]# [root@domain data]# psql -U admin database1 Welcome to psql 7.4.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. database1=> select now(); now ------------------------------- 2004-04-10 23:39:14.048634-07 (1 row) database1=> select current_time; timetz -------------------- 23:39:46.202589-07 (1 row) database1=> select current_date; date ------------ 2004-04-10 (1 row) database1=> select current_timestamp; timestamptz ------------------------------ 2004-04-10 23:40:10.53221-07 (1 row) database1=> __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly