(Manfred Koizar) wrote in message news:<>... > BTW, I've read Tropashko's follow-up articles >,, > as well as various discussions on comp.databases.theory. My conclusion > is that OMPM is irreparably broken. With every kludge added to it > (Farey Intervals, Continued Fractions) the correspondence to > materialized path strings gets even more obfuscated, but the main > shortcoming remains: If you try to store materialized path information > in a fixed number of integers you run out of bits very soon. The article series Binary Fractions (dbazine) -> Farey Fractions -> Continued Fractions might give you wrong impression that it's one kludge upon another. In reality it's just a trail of discovery process. Let me summarize what I think withstanded the test of time: The idea of generalizing nested integers to nested fractions is still valid, although the particular encoding schema with Binary Rationals proved to be not practical. Uses the same Binary Rationals encoding schema solving tree relocation problem. Farey Fractions Different encoding schema, that still is waiting somebody to refute it. Unlike previous articles I did some volume testing there. Continued Fractions That is just a different perspective into essentially the same encoding. Now the connection to Materialized Path is transparent: whenever you concatenate paths in path encoding, for example 11.2 + 7.3.5 = you nest continued fractions x=7+1/(3+...) inside 11+1/(2+1/x) to get 11+1/(2+1/(7+...)) Technically, this could be done much easier than nesting continued fractions. The encoding is just four integer numbers <a,b,c,d> that can be arranged either into Moebius function (ax+c)/(bx+d) so that concatenation of paths is substitution of functions, or alternatively, into 2x2 matrix: Matrix([a,c],[b,d]) so that concatenation of paths is Matrix multiplication. Example: path corresponds to continued fraction 3+1/(1+1/(1+1/(9+1/(9+1/(9+1/(12+1/(31+1/(24+1/(500+1/(17+1/(4+1/39))))))))))); which corresponds to Matrix([68075613118554,1734570625891],[19306670376781,491935096655]) All matrices have additional property that absolute value of the determinant is 1 (Proposition 1). In our case 68075613118554*491935096655-1734570625891*19306670376781=1 In short, I'm taking back my previous accessment that for all practical purposes Materialized Path is the best encoding. Continued Fractions/Moebius transformations/2x2 Matrices are much nicer IMO. But this totally depends upon how comfortable are you with math. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?