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Re: select distinct w/order by

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On Wednesday 31 March 2004 22:13, John Liu wrote:
> Tom provided the same logic arguments. I also like the way 'simple is
> better' as long as it sticks with SQL requirement. But in practice, you
> have to face such issue even it's 'catch 22' which depends on the
> application design -

Tom's a smart fella, of course he agreed with me ;-)
I'd argue PG does deal with the issue, by refusing to do handle an unsafe 
situation. The "catch 22" only happens if a database supports vague queries.

> For the your case -
> code                  codeid
> AAA                       20
> BBB                        5
> CCC                       10
> BBB                       45
> CCC                       27
> When issue "select distinct code from test1 order by codeid;"
> One of the database returns using their internal rule (at least it's
> constant itself) -
> code

Are you sure it's consistent? If you didn't know which results you were going 
to get before testing it, how do you know it's right. Maybe when you tested 
it, perhaps you got lucky. And, if the "theoretical" arguments don't convince 
you, here's something fairly practical. If the behaviour isn't defined, and 
it just happens to work this way, what guarantee will you have that another 
database, or event the next version of your current one will give you the 
same order?

> It provides one of the arguable result sets.

PG could provide one, but which one, and why should that be the right choice?

> But think about another situation, the result is for sure -
> code                  code2                 codeid
> a1                    a                          1
> a2                    a                          2
> b1                    d                          3
> b2                    d                          4
> c1                    c                          5
> c2                    c                          6
> select distinct code2 from test2 order by codeid;
> code2
> a
> d
> c
> It's handy.

You can't have a feature that only works for some cases. In your example, 
there are no overlapping codeid ranges on any given code2. This means you can 
use either of the min/max sorts I mentioned. PG needs to know what "order by 
codeid" means.

> I hope everything is black or white, but it's not. The user has the choice
> at least. But when I use PostgreSQL, I need find an alternative solution to
> handle such issue.

Everything is black and white. You should be able to run the same queries on 
the same data in any two databases and get the same results. If you define 
your query correctly, that should be the case. (Note it's not your fault the 
query is poorly defined, at first glance it looks like a sensible thing to 
do. The fact is though, that it's not and the other database shouldn't let 
you do it).

Below is a real example from one of my projects - both orders are valid, but 
they give different results. You will need to choose one.

promise=> SELECT gal_cnttype FROM lkp_gallery GROUP BY gal_cnttype ORDER BY 
(9 rows)

promise=> SELECT gal_cnttype FROM lkp_gallery GROUP BY gal_cnttype ORDER BY 
(9 rows)

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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