On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Karl O. Pinc wrote: > > On 2004.03.29 14:44 Bruno Wolff III wrote: > > > > In postgres you shouldn't have to explicitly cast the constant to an > > interval as long as there isn't one than one >= operator that could > > be applied (depending on the eventaul type of the constant). I would > > really be surprized if this were to happen for >= and an interval > > operand > > on one side or the other. > > > > It won't work with two unknown constants, if that was what you tested. > > Try just casting on one side. > > This is my plpgsql code > > PERFORM MATUREDATES.sname FROM MATUREDATES > WHERE NEW.sname = MATUREDATES.sname > AND ( NEW.birth > MATUREDATES.Matured - ''3 years'' > OR NEW.birth > MATUREDATES.Matured - ''7 years''); > IF FOUND THEN > > And this was my scratch psql test: > > => select CAST('1/1/2004' AS date) - '3 years'; > ERROR: Bad date external representation '3 years' I think that's because (date - date) is the prefered interpretation. The best way to specify an interval literal is probably INTERVAL '3 years' which is close to the SQL specification of an interval literal. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org