Dave and Colin!
Thanks a lot. Now it works fine!
Quoting Colin Ross <colinross@xxxxxxxxx>:
Using that, you could just point the src atribute of an img tag to that url,
<img src="http://www.jo-jos-jewellery.co.uk/system/showimage.php?id=<?php
echo $imgId ?>" />
OR present the data inline using the object tag (but that gets tricky fyi
and cane be kinda slow for all but the most trivial of images [hence why its
highly discouraged by the w3c]
<OBJECT id="necklace"
data="data:image/jpeg;base64, *...base64 data...*">
A Necklace
Again, I **highly** recommend the first method
On 6/13/07, Dave Page <dpage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Mihail Mihailov wrote:
Hi Dave and thanks for advice.
You show in your example how to create an html file containing only one
How do you insert multiple graphical images into a "mixed" document
containing text and graphical images?
Do I still have to save bytea data into a temporary file (how?) and than
get in with <img> tag?
No, I showed how to return an image in response to a http request using
php, e.g:
http://www.jo-jos-jewellery.co.uk/system/showimage.php?id?495. No HTML
or text was served at al. That URL (or variations thereof) can be used
directly in an <img> tag as many times as you want in a single HTML
Regards, Dave.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Mihail Mihailov, lehtori
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