Where did you enable that dll?
You will need to do it in the php installation folder and the O.S. folder, the name of the file is the same.
2007/3/13, enzo venegas palacios <enzovenegas@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
hi, have a system with postgres 8.1, apache 1.3 and php 5, and I can
connect, in the page display "Call to undefined function pg_connect()", i
have enable the dll php_pgsql in the php.ini, please any help.
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Ministerio de Planificación y Desarrollo de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Dirección de Planes de Personal
José Valentín Orfila Briceño
Programador II
Teléfonos: Celular: (0416) 4131418
E-mail: valentinorfila@xxxxxxxxx
Messenger: valentinorfila@xxxxxxxxxxx
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