The PHP gurus have really simplified this issue for us. Both the pg_query() and pg_fetch_array() methods return a false if an error occurs. Likewise, pg_fetch_array() returns a false when it has reached the end of the recordset. The following works very well: if ($result = pg_query($query) and $row = pg_fetch_array($result)) { do { // process query results } while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)); } else { // output if error } Best wishes Mark On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 15:01 +0200, Cyprian Makhafola [ MTN - Innovation Centre ] wrote: Hi All I am a newby in the php and postgres. I have a the following script that suppose to search ana ddrssbook but the scripts does not return anything even an error. I got this scripts from the internet but in the mysql form so i changed it to postgres. The field s for my table is customer_id, name. address, msisdn, telephone and msisdn. I use want to use name or msisdn to search. <?php > $dbname =" phonebook"; > $host = "localhost"; > $port = "5432"; > $user = "postgres"; if (!IsSet($start) ) : > $start = 0; > endif; > ?> <? > #if ($searchstring) > if(isset($searchstring) && strcmp("Search",$searchstring) == 0) > { > $query = "SELECT * FROM clientdata WHERE $searchtype LIKE '%$searchstrin > g%' ORDER BY name ASC"; > $connection = pg_connect("host=$host port=$port dbname=$dbname user=$use > r"); > $pg_select_db("$dbname",$query); > $Customer_id = pg_escape_string($_POST['customer_id']); $Name = pg_escape_string($_POST['name']); > $Msisdn = pg_escape_string($_POST['msisdn']); > $result = pg_query($query); > $ resultsnumber = pg_numrows($result); echo" <TABLE BORDER=0>"; > echo "number of results: $resultsnumber"; $alternate = "2"; > while ($myrow = pg_fetch_array($result)) > { > $Name = $myrow["name"]; > $customer_id = $myrow["id"]; > $msisdn = $myrow["msisdn"]; > if ($alternate == "1") > { > $color = "#ffffff"; > $alternate = "2"; > } > else > { > $color = "#efefef"; > $alternate = "1"; > } > echo "<TR bgcolor=$color><TD>$name, $msisdn</TD>"; > echo "Could not find records"; > } > } > ?> > > I can add and delete but i cannot search, please assist. > > NOTE: This e-mail message is subject to the MTN Group disclaimer see