First you will need to know wheter php is been setup corectly.
Paste this
into a textfile or you're favorite editor and save it as phpinfo.php or so in you're webroot (mydrive\Apache Group\ApacheX\htdocs)
then goto http://localhost/phpinfo.php
1) Configurationfile (php.ini) Path must piont to the place wher you stored you're php ini.
2) if you scroll down a bit you will find a block with "pgpsql" witchs means that you have postgres support enabled in php.
If not found that means you're php ini is not setup correctly
check for more info on how to setup php.ini.
Met vriendelijke groet
Manjusri Schuit
On 11/20/05, Dave Wayne <davewayne@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a good guide for setting up php to connect to postgres under windows? I've set up postgres, however the PConnect function fails for some reason.Any help would be appriecated