tha instructions as follows;
1.- open yast2
2.- change Installation Source
3.- Add HTTP
4.- Add Server:
5.- indicate Directory: mirrors
Now u have changed the source to install postgres, the installation source
is know a server. It seems it is not available from the cds, it would take
some time....then the systme is goin to ask you find or search...the package
u want to install.
write postgresql and select all the options available....thats that...the
installation is going to run automatically...some cds will be required
From: <operationsengineer1@xxxxxxxxx>
To: pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PHP] autentication problem
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:32:08 -0700 (PDT)
<juanernestof@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> i am working on php and posgresql, i designed a
> database system web oriented
> on windows at first on template1 default database.
did you copy template1 and then create your db from
the template? i always understood that template1
itself was to be left alone and left as template.
> I
> used a password and a
> loggin
> loggin=postgres
> password=13177337
> this info is requested when installing postgresql on
> windows.
> Know i trying to migrate to suse linux...i moved my
> scripts to
> srv/www/htdocs/prototipo as root. I installed
> apache2 server, and i
> configured both apache and posgtresql to start
> running when starting the
> computer.
> The problem is, i have not been able tu run properly
> the system on linux...i
> receive the following message when conecting to
> postgresql:
> "Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to
> PostgreSQL server: FATAL: la
> autentificación Ident falló para el usuario
> «jufl» in
> /srv/www/htdocs/Prototipo/opciones.php on line 51"
i've never administered pgsql on linux before, so i
don't have direct experience. what does opciones.php
line 51 say? is tcp/ip enabled? are you using the
same username and password?
> I didnt create any user when installing postgres, it
> didnt request during
> i can i manage this?
> the extrange thing is
> that i can modify tables from console as follows;
> su root
> enter password
> su postgres
> psql prototipo
> Bienvenido a psql 8.0.3, el terminal interactivo de
> PostgreSQL.
> Digite: \copyright para ver los términos de
> distribución
> \h para obtener ayuda sobre comandos SQL
> \? para obtener ayuda sobre comandos
> internos
> \g o punto y coma (;) para ejecutar
> consulta
> \q para salir
> prototipo=#
> so i dont understand what the problem is.....
> Thaks for your help...
not sure i can help, but if you post line 51 it will
likely help those who can help.
best of luck.
ps - a guy on the pgsql novice mailint list was
recently asking how to install pgsql onto suse. if
you had any instructions or could point to a tutorial
that you used, he would like appreciate it.
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings