Look at phpArray() in lib/classes/ADODB_base.pclass in the phpPgAdmin
3.5 source distribution.
It's not recursive - just parsed 1-d arrays.
Also doesn't support leading dimension indication.
Janning Vygen wrote:
if you use array data type in your database design and query your tables with
PHP you get a string which represents the array. It can look something like
[1:2]{{"Hallo", "Te\"st},"},{"Hallo", "Test"}}
It can even have another delimiter than "," if you change the type delimiter.
Has anybody already written a function to parse this array into an php array
structure? A simple explode doesn't work of course. The list offers a too
simple explode(",", ereg_replace("{[-]}", $string)). this works only with one
level and numeric types.
Has anybody already written a recursive function to parse the array string?
kind regards,
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