I have a problem displaying frensh data :
my client encoding is set to UNICODE (same as phpPgAdmin)
when selecting data with phpPgAdmin, there's no errors displaying
accents and other special frensh caracters.
but when selecting from my own script i dont get those frensh caracters.
in my html pages i do :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
like phpPgAdmin and there is allways problems displaying frensh data...
anyone can help ?
Well, you can try sending an http header as well, before ANY of your
script's output:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
Alternatively, try setting the client encoding to unicode with an sql
statement before running any queries, however that should not be
necessary as client encoding defaults to server encoding.
BTW, have a look at the printHeader() method in classes/Misc.php in
phpPgAdmin to see how we do it.