If you use a timestamp field (or date field) you can format the output using the to_char function. The PgSQL docs have to_char very well documented. On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 18:11 -0500, enzo venegas palacios wrote: > does anyone know how to save a date in postgres where my_ table have > format time. or to change this format. > thanks, > > enzo > --------------------------------------------------------- > Abnate a la primitiva. Descubre la forma ms fcil y cmoda de hacerse millonario. htp://sorteos.ya.com > ADSL + Llamadas 24 horas: desde 28,95 /mes + IVA. Navega y habla de forma ilimitada. Sin compromiso de permanencia. http://acceso.ya.com/ADSLllamadas/ > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your > joining column's datatypes do not match