Look at these functions in the php documentation:
pg_Query, pg_NumRows, pg_Fetch_Object, and pg_FreeResult
Small example
$conn = pg_Connect("host=localhost dbname=test user=postgres");
$result = pg_Query($conn, "SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
OFFSET 0;");
$rows = pg_NumRows($result);
if ( $rows == 0 )
echo "Sorry no data found.\n";
else {
$data = pg_Fetch_Object($result, 0);
echo "<form method=post action=myaction.php>\n";
echo "Field 1: <input type=text name=\"field1\"
value=\"$data->field1\"><br />\n";
echo "Field 2: <input type=text name=\"field2\"
value=\"$data->field2\"><br />\n";
echo "Field 3: <input type=text name=\"field2\"
value=\"$data->field3\"><br />\n";
echo "<input type=submit value=update></form>\n";
Yasmine Kedoo wrote:
I have done a search on one of my PHP pages, and displayed the results
in a table on another page.
Then when a button is clicked, i want to be able to display the table
information in editable form fields, so that the data may be altered
and the database updated.
Does anyone have any ideas how i may be able to carry this out? :-)
It's the parsing the data that i am unable to do.
Thanx Again
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