Hello, I don't know if this is the forum for this but here goes. I am interested in using Postgres as the backend to a backup system. Does anyone have any experiences or ideas on this? I want to use Postgres to store information about files, directories, archives etc written to tape. This is the typical types of information that I feel need to be stored in postgres: Tape ID Location of tape in autoloader magazine Directory file sizes Total Archives on tape Total bytes in archive Archive location of a file or directory on a tape Total bytes on tape Date archive was written to tape Server associated with an archive Absolute path to file or directory on tape My log files are generated by using the "v" option of the "tar" command. These create daily log files that are 6-8 mb that list every file that is backed up. This comes out to 75,000 lines per day. If you had an autoloader that you cycled through with 10 tapes for example, that could contain 750,000 entries. My system backups up anything that can run rsync. For me right now that is Linux servers, Novell servers, MAC running OSX, and Windows servers. Because there are many types of servers the database should be able to store which server,archive number a file or directory is in. If you were to search in the database for a file or directory, it would return a list that gave you the tape(s), date(s), archive(s) number on tape, etc. Commercial systems use backend SQL servers. I believe Veritas Backup Exec uses MSSQL, Arcserve uses a backend database (don't know the type). Any ideas would be appreciated. This is what I have so far: # Database for backup system create sequence ftid_seq start 1 increment 1; create sequence did_seq start 1 increment 1; create sequence archiveid_seq start 1 increment 1; create sequence deviceid_seq start 1 increment 1; create sequence tid_seq start 1 increment 1; create table tapedevice( deviceid integer not null default nextval('deviceid_seq'::text), server varchar(20) not null, devicename varchar(20), numtapes integer, drivename varchar(20), autoloader boolean, constraint deviceid_pk primary key(deviceid) ); create table tapes( tid integer not null default nextval('tid_seq'::text), tapeid varchar(20) not null, numwrittento integer, currslot integer, deviceid integer references tapedevice(deviceid) match full on update cascade on delete cascade, totalbytes int8, numberarchives integer, constraint tid_pk primary key(tid) ); create table filetable( ftid int8 not null default nextval('ftid_seq'::text), archiveid integer not null references tapes(tid) match full on update cascade on delete cascade, absolutepath varchar(200), constraint ftid_pk primary key(ftid) ); create table directorytable( did int8 not null default nextval('did_seq'::text), archiveid integer not null references tapes(tid) match full on update cascade on delete cascade, absolutepath varchar(200), constraint did_pk primary key(did) ); create table archives( archiveid integer not null default nextval('archiveid_seq'::text), tid integer references tapes(tid) match full on update cascade on delete cascade, totalbytes int8 not null, totalfiles int8, archivestartdir varchar(100), fromserver varchar(20), datewritten date, constraint archiveid_pk primary key(archiveid) ); -- Kent L. Nasveschuk <knasveschuk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>