Re: PHP and POSTGRES under windows

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We use this at work

pg_connect("host={$hostname} dbname={$dbname} user={$user}

I don't think you need to specify the port....

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Chua Sing [mailto:mondi0924@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 15 February 2003 05:42
To: pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [PHP] PHP and POSTGRES under windows

I have recently installed PHP and postgres(windows
version by peerdirect) I accomplished linking the
extension of postgres to php and made postgres to work
with pgadminnII but I can't connect to the database
using postgres functions this error always shows up on
my page:
"Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server:
connectDBStart() -- socket() failed: errno=2 No such
file or directory "
and this code is what I use to connect to the DB
   // Database variables
   // $dbhost      = "db";
   $dbname      = "hbcdb";
   $dbusername  = "Mondi0924";
   $dbpassword  = "1236964";

   $dbconn = pg_connect("dbname=$dbname
user=$dbusername password=$dbpassword port=80");
   if (!$dbconn)
      header("Location: error.php3?errorcode=1");
I have been using postgres in the office using a linux
server thats why I need postgres at home could you
please help me thx.

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