Problem with the type date

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Hi. I have written onces for the same question, with no sucess for me.
I have a table so:

  Table "s_objetivos_caso"
        Column      |  Type   | Modifiers
    -    ----------------+---------+-----------
 dni                    | integer | not null
 fecha                | date    | not null
 cod_s_objetivos | integer | not null

I have 3 variables in my form where i get the date:
when i want to insert into the table io do so:


include ("globals.php");
$tdate=$fecha_anho."-".$fecha_mes."-".$fecha_dia;-------> HERE IS THE PROBLEM


bla); if(!$aux_s_obj)
    	    echo ("Error al rellenar la tabla=s_objetivos_caso");

The function is :

 function inserta_tabla_generica_caso($denei,$data,$cod,$cone,$table)
    $insert="INSERT INTO $table VALUES('$denei','$data','$cod')"; ********
    if ($result)
     	return true;
        return false;

The error  which throw me the navigator is:

Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Bad date external representation
'--' in /var/www/jesus/foniatra/globals.php on line 55
Error al rellenar la tabla=s_objetivos_caso

line 55 is which who has **********

In which format i must put the date for insert it into the table?

If it is a help , when i do:
foniatra=# SELECT  now()::date;   ------>
(1 row)

In my form i have this:

                 <td  width="100%" align="center"> <b>FECHA DE LA CONSULTA
</b> </td>
                 <td  height="2">
                      <select name=fecha_dia  >
                        <option  selected value=1>01
                        <option value=2>02
                        <option value=3>03
                        <option value=4>04
                        <option value=5>05
                        <option value=6>06
                        <option value=7>07
                        <option value=8>08
                        <option value=9>09
                        <option value=10>10
                        <option value=11>11
                        <option value=12>12
                        <option value=13>13
                        <option value=14>14
                        <option value=15>15
                        <option value=16>16
                        <option value=17>17
                        <option value=18>18
                        <option value=19>19
                        <option value=20>20
                        <option value=21>21
                        <option value=22>22
                        <option value=23>23
                        <option value=24>24
                        <option value=25>25
                        <option value=26>26
                        <option value=27>27
                        <option value=28>28
                        <option value=29>29
                        <option value=30>30
                        <option value=31>31  </option>

                     <select name=fecha_mes>
                        <option selected value=1>enero
                        <option value=2>febrero
                        <option value=3>marzo
                        <option value=4>abril
                        <option value=5>mayo
                        <option value=6>junio
                        <option value=7>julio
                        <option value=8>agosto
                        <option value=9>septiembre
                        <option value=10>octubre
                        <option value=11>noviembre
                        <option value=12>diciembre </option>


                    <input maxlength=4 name=fecha_anho size=4>
                       (yyyy) </td>

Thank you.


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