Thanks to previous help I am using: $sql = "SELECT " . "ic.relname AS index_name, " . "bc.relname AS tab_name, " . "ta.attname AS column_name, " . "i.indisunique AS unique_key, " . "i.indisprimary AS primary_key " . "FROM " . "pg_class bc, " . "pg_class ic, " . "pg_index i, " . "pg_attribute ta, " . "pg_attribute ia " . "WHERE " . "bc.oid = i.indrelid " . "AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid " . "AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid " . "AND ta.attrelid = bc.oid " . "AND bc.relname = '" . $tablename . "' " . "AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid " . "AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] " . "ORDER BY " . "index_name, tab_name, column_name"; which provides primary keys 100%. I have written the following to obtain tablenames: $sql = "SELECT " . "ic.relname " . "FROM " . "pg_class ic " . "WHERE " . "ic.relname not like 'pg%' " . "AND ic.relname not like '%pk' " . "AND ic.relname not like '%idx' "; which I am not certain is complete but appears to work. Could anyone help me with the SQL to retrieve Foreign Keys for a particular Table? Much appreciated. Kevin Gordon