On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 18:02, Bruce Young wrote: > Still wont work. did a few tests and it seems like Explorer wont print the > table when i use a form variable. the script will notify if there are no > results, but nothing if any. - no table > oh, and what info in phpinfo() would i need to look at if its the prob.? >From your code, it looks like the table won't be printed if $submit is not set (although your code is perhaps weak on checking the value of that variable). I have seen cases where IE will set the value of a submit button variable differently if you hit <enter> within the form, than if you click on the button with your mouse. Remember, your comments accusation of "does/doesn't work in IE" is not actually true - all of this code runs on the _server_ - not the client. All that IE or Mozilla does is provide values for variables input to the script: the script runs on the same server in both cases. In any case in the phpinfo() I would look for differences in the value of the "submit" variable. Obviously differences in the value of the "code" variable would have an effect as well, but are possibly less likely. You may want to lose the javascript too, to simplify debugging. That stuff _does_ run on the client, so may behave differently on Mozilla and IE. Personally I avoid DHTML like the plague (because it is so prone to browser-specific problems) and so I don't know what your fragment is supposed to achieve. Cheers, Andrew. > thanks > > ===================================== > <html lang="en"> > <head> <title>Code Search</title> > </head> > <body> > <center> > > <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" > bgcolor="lightblue"> > <form name="campcode" method="post" action="<?php print("$PHP_SELF");?>"> > <tr height=30><td>Search:</td><td><input type="text" name="code"></td> > <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"></td></tr> > </form></table> > </center> > <br><br> > <?php > $dbconnect = pg_connect("dbname=campus user=apache"); > //$code_query = $code; > $code = strtolower($code); > if($submit) { You could change that to: if ( "$code" != "" ) { > if($code=="") {print "You need to enter a query!"; exit;} > > //WORKS in Explorer > $qry_get_camp_codes = "select id,name from campuslist where name ilike > lower('%HOUSTon%')"; > //DONT WORK in Explorer > //$qry_get_camp_codes = "select id,name from campuslist where name ilike > lower('%$code%')"; > $result = pg_query ($dbconnect, $qry_get_camp_codes); > if (!$result) {printf ("Error\n"); exit;} > if (!pg_numrows($result)) { echo "<font color=\"red\" size=4>no > result</font>"; exit;} > print "<center>"; > print "<table border=1>"; > print "<tr><td>ID</td><td>NAME</td></tr>"; > while($myrow = pg_fetch_row($result)) { > printf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" > , $myrow[0], $myrow[1]); > } > printf ("</table></center> > "); > } > pg_close($dbconnect); > ?> > </body> > </html> > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. > http://mailplus.yahoo.com > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew @ Catalyst .Net.NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington WEB: http://catalyst.net.nz/ PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St DDI: +64(4)916-7201 MOB: +64(21)635-694 OFFICE: +64(4)499-2267 Survey for nothing with http://survey.net.nz/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------