Hi I see my error was not using the "like" but now i fall in other problem: I have made an if else to display a message if have no name with the selected leter as initial it works but disply too: Warning: Unable to jump to row 0 on PostgreSQL result index 2 in /var/www/html/inscricao/resultado_a1.php on line 80 how could i handle this? Thank?s in advance: here is my actual code: Pesquisa de nome por letra inicial <BR><form method="post" size="1" action="<?php print("$PHP_SELF"); ?>"> <select size="1" name="letra"> <option selected>Escolha letra inicial <option value=A>A <option value=B>B <option value=C>C <option value=D>D <option value=E>E <option value=F>F <option value=G>G <option value=H>H <option value=I>I <option value=J>J <option value=K>K <option value=L>L <option value=M>M <option value=N>N <option value=O>O <option value=P>P <option value=Q>Q <option value=R>R <option value=S>S <option value=T>T <option value=U>U <option value=V>V <option value=X>X <option value=Y>Y <option value=Z>Z </select><input type="submit" value="Enviar"></form></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br> <?php $db = pg_connect("dbname=db user=user"); $query ="SELECT name FROM aprovados WHERE (nome like '$leter%') ORDER BY name ASC "; $result = pg_exec($db, $query); if (!$result) {printf ("Não há nomes com esta letra inicial!"); exit;} $numrows = pg_numrows($result); /*********************** actual problem ***********************/ if ($numrows=='0') { print("Não foram encontrados nomes iniciados por : $letra"); print("<a href='javascript:history.back(-1);'><<Voltar</a>"); } else $row=0; printf ("<table border=0>"); printf ("<tr bgcolor='#FFFF33'><td><b>Nome</b></td></tr>"); do { $myrow = pg_fetch_array ($result,$row); if($row % 2) { $bgcolor="#FFFF99"; } else { $bgcolor=""; } printf ("<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td>%s</td></tr>",$myrow[nome]); $row++; } while ($row < $numrows); printf ("</table>"); pg_close($db); ?> '>'-- Mensagem Original -- '>'To: pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx '>'Subject: Re: [PHP] forms /selects '>'From: jco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '>'Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 15:03:33 +0100 '>' '>' '>'I see a couple of errors, one of which is the source of your problem. '>'You write: '>' "SELECT name FROM thetable WHERE (nome=$leter%) ORDER BY nome ASC"; '>'This would evaluate to '>' "SELECT name FROM thetable WHERE (nome=A%) ORDER BY nome ASC"; '>' '>'What you need to write is: '>' "SELECT name FROM thetable WHERE (nome like '$leter%') ORDER BY nome '>'ASC"; '>' '>'"like" is required to make regular expression match. '>'The quotes are always required when dealing with strings (and a few other '>' '>'types). '>' '>'You could have just debugged this by '>' echo $query; '>' '>'Also: Letter contains two t's. :) '>' '>'Regards '>'/Jørn Cornelius Olsen ________________________________________ A busca mais veloz e precisa da internet. Acesse agora: http://www.zoom.com.br.