Hi, I have an update statement that queries a db and updates wheere it finds matches. I know that postgres itself returns the number of rows it updates because when I run the query in psql, I get UPDATE 1, or whatever the num of rows it updates. My question is how do I get that result with PHP? I have tried this $update = //this is where I execute the query $updates = pg_fetch_row($update, 0); echo "rows updated=".$updates[0]."<br>"; But that blows up with Warning: Unable to jump to row 0 on PostgreSQL result index 6 in my php doc. Same thing with pg_fetch_array. I know there is a result, because if I check it as a boolean (ex. if ($update) ) it always comes back true, even when 0 rows are updated (UPDATE 0). I imagine this is where pg_affected_rows in PHP 4.2 works well, but I am using 4.1.2, so that isn't an option. thanks for your time, /mark