Fairly new to PHP. How do I display an image I have stored in my db? I found code on phpbuilder.com, but I must be doing something wrong. If I just print out the field, it prints the machine code immediately. But I alas my users want an image instead of machine language. CREATE TABLE mdc_imageref ( keyp_imageref int4, modid int8, img bytea, keyf_image int4 ) $id = $_GET["id"]; if($id) { $db = db_connect(); $result = pg_query($db,"Select ir.img,p.keyp_products from mdc_products p join mdc_product_images pi on p.keyp_products = pi.keyf_product join mdc_attributes a on a.keyp_attribute = pi.keyf_attribute join mdc_images i on i.keyp_images = pi.keyf_image join mdc_imageref ir on ir.keyf_image = i.keyp_images where p.keyp_products = $id and keyp_attribute = 7"); $row = pg_fetch_array($result); $type = "JPG"; Header( "Content-type:$type"); echo $row[0]; } TIA Patrick Hatcher Macys.Com Legacy Integration Developer