Hi averyone, I'm using a new function to include two query into an unique transaction. Is this the only way to do it? The following lines show you my function, the purpose is to return the id_utente field (serial) of the last insert done: ---------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION "id_from_insert"("varchar", "varchar", "int4", "bpchar", "varchar", "int4", "int4", "int4", "varchar", "int4", "bpchar", "varchar", "varchar") RETURNS "int4" AS 'INSERT INTO g_registrazione_generale ( nome, cognome, data_di_nascita, genere, indirizzo, codice_postale, telefono, id_documentazione, email, data_inserimento, stato, velocita_connessione, istruzione ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13 ); SELECT max(g_registrazione_generale.id_utente) FROM g_registrazione_generale; ' LANGUAGE 'sql'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Best regards