on 8/28/02 9:57 PM, dr_sad@xxxxxxxxxxxx purportedly said: > Hi, Jean-Luc. > Can't find any documents about "DB::connect" at www.php.net :( > Give me please any links to that. > And why "pg_connect" does not work properly? > Script ex.: > ---- cut --------- > <html> > <body> > <? > printf("Hello, world!<br>"); > $s="host=dbserv port=5432 dbname=ll user=postgres password=gecnzr"; > if (($db=pg_pconnect ($s))===false) {printf("FALSE! No connection!<br>");} > printf("This is the end of script<br>"); > ?> > </body> > </html> > --- cut ----------- > No errors messages... "Hello, world!<br>" - is the last line in > generated html text :\ > This would mean that something is interfering with PHP's standard error reporting mechanism. Look for set_error_handler in any PHP code you invoke and check your php.ini for any related directive, as well as any auto-append or auto-prepend scripts if defined. Keary Suska Esoteritech, Inc. "Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"