It can't understand
<font >color=red><b>YES></b></font>
as a true or false representation for a boolean value. You need to use
either (true or false), (yes or no), or (1 or 0)
Roj Niyogi
pgHoster - PostgreSQL web hosting
P. Jourdan wrote:
I am getting this in the error log file:
ERROR: Bad boolean external representation '<font
The code that is generating the message is all within the php
delimiters (entire file) and appears several times as follows:
if($r1==0 || $r2==0) {
if($archived=='Y') {
$archived="<font color=red><b>YES</b></font>";
select wares.ware_id,,,unit_size,
case when wares.archived='t' then '<font
color=red><b>YES</b></font>' else wares.archived end as archived,
from wares,category,wares_category,supplier_wares,supplier,trademark
where wares.ware_id=wares_category.ware_id and
category.category_id=wares_category.category_id and
wares.ware_id=supplier_wares.ware_id and
supplier_wares.supplier_id=supplier.supplier_id and
I do not understand what is wrong? (This apparently worked fine in the
original online web site.)
Does anyone understand this?
Philip Jourdan
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