What you're looking for are "cron jobs". These are tasks that are
scheduled to run periodically according to the criteria you specify.
They are tied to the operating system (I'm assuming that you are
running Linux). In order to run php functions with cron job you
typically have the cron job execute a console function that executes a
php script using the following format:
/usr/bin/php -q [phpscriptname.php]
Of course you need the standalone php executable in order for this to
work. Post if you have more questions.
Roj Niyogi
pgHoster - PostgreSQL web hosting
Patricia Yábar wrote:
Hello everybody, I have to programe a kind of schedule that alert
finish activities that i saved in a posgres database. Do you know if
there is any php function that alert to the clients automatically every
? time or something that help me to present the schedule information
without the client have to do any action.
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