Thanks Rod.
I did set up a certificate and I added the hostssl line. Then when I logged
into pg with SSH I got:
"SSL enabled connection. Chiper: DES-CBC3-SHA, bits: 168"
which was great. But I was suprised that I was still able to connect
normally with PHP. I wasn't sure if it was working encrypted, or if I had
set something up wrong. Thanks for the help!
Everything should be this easy :)
- Mark
From: "Rod Taylor" <rbt@xxxxxxx>
To: "mark boylan" <markboylan@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [PHP] SLL with PHP?
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:50:52 -0500
Libpq does all of the work. PHP has no notion of an encrypted
session, it just tells libpq to connect.
If you create a certificate for postgresql (see docs) libpq will
normally use an encrypted session by default. By setting hostssl in
pg_hba.conf it will enforce that all connections must be encrypted to
connect -- kinda a guarentee.
Anyway, it is that simple.
Rod Taylor
This message represents the official view of the voices in my head
----- Original Message -----
From: "mark boylan" <markboylan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 9:33 PM
Subject: [PHP] SLL with PHP?
> Hi.
> Can anyone tell me if PHP is capable of connecting to pg using ssl?
If I
> put a "hostssl" line for my web server in my pg_hba.conf file, will
all of
> the communication between the webserver and database server be
> Can it be that simple?
> Thanks :)
> - Mark
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