Am retrieveing an "available" ipaddress from a table, then later trying to perform an update to "assign" the address to an id. The update produces no error, but doesn't update either. Must be overlooking something but can't place a finger on it. Table "host_ipaddress" Attribute | Type | Modifier -----------+---------+---------- server | text | not null type | text | hostnum | integer | not null address | text | Index: host_ipaddress_pkey <?PHP # Variables $database = ***pg_connect statement*** $hostnum=2; # client reference number $primipaddr=AssignPrivateIP($hostnum,'web'); #function returns IP address # Function function AssignPrivateIP($hostnumber,$server) { global $database; $query = "SELECT address FROM host_ipaddress WHERE server='$server' AND type='private' AND hostnum=0 LIMIT 1"; $result = pg_exec($database,$query); if(pg_numrows($result)==0) { $return=0; } else { $row = pg_fetch_array($result,0); $return=$row[0]; } return $return; } # Queries # following does not work, the hostnum in the database table stays at 0 $query="UPDATE host_ipaddress SET hostnum=$hostnum WHERE address='$primipaddr'"; # the following updates all records for the server/of type priv to 2 # **EXCEPT** the IP address we retrieved from the function (which we want to update) $query="UPDATE host_ipaddress SET hostnum=2 WHERE server='web' AND type='priv'"; ...appropriate exec etc... ?>