Re: button tag problem

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On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 11:39:35AM +0200, some SMTP stream spewed forth: 
> Hello,
>     Thanks for your emails. The BUTTON tag that i use in BOBDII is 
> different of the INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" TAG because of the value send to 
> the server and the text display in the form are different.
> Example:
> <input name="T_modify" type="submit" value="253">
> At my knowledge, you must put the value of the primary key in the value 
> field and it will be show in the HTML document display by your browser.
> But with the BUTTON tag, the value of the primary key is HIDDEN and you 
> can show to the user what you want in HTML!
> <BUTTON NAME="T_modify" VALUE="253">
> <div align="center"><B>Modify</B></div>

<input type=image value="bling bling" src="img/dir/mkbutton.php">
You get the same functionality only it actually works.
You could quite simply hack out a PHP function using GD to generate the
function mkbutton($text)
	blah blah
	header('Type: text/image'); /* or whatever */
	gd_send_image() or whatever
	return((bool) gd_stuff_was_successful)

I haven't been In The Code in a while, and the gd stuff is all quite well
documented so just go Look It Up. This method sholud work very well.

A simpler approach would be simply to post the primary key as a hidden

People really ought to learn browsers before they go off trying to write 
for them.
Same goes for people writing browsers for html, heh.

> Looks cool but IE do not support the BUTTON tag that is a STANDARD HTML 
> 4 TAG DEFINE BY W3C(.org) !?!?!?

Yeah, so? What's your point?
Tried using CSS lately? How about any of the other "web specifications".
Get used to it. Mozilla is such a big slow dumb animal that most people
won't use it.

>   I suggest to you to visit this site, the W3C give a free demo browser 
> for Windows and Unix named AMAYA that support all HTML 4 tags. I try it 
> and it give a very ugly display but it works. I do not know another 100% 
> HTML 4 compatible browser exept from Icab(.de), a Mac alternative one 
> and i do not know why Microsoft do not support this tag...

I have used Amaya. As you say (in other words), it looks like shit.
You can hardly expect people to use it.
Opera, on the other hand, does a nice job of conforming and looks decent.

> Some of my friends who are not developper like very must this tag 
> because of you can generate very attractive HTML pages.
> If nobody wants the BUTTON tag, i will use the old friend INPUT tag.
>     Yours,
> 	Rene-Raphael Pautasso
> Le vendredi 20 juillet 2001, à 08:48, Rene-Raphael a écrit :
> > All forms are in POST and most use the BUTTON tag but this HTML 4 tag 
> > is not support by Internet Explorer 5. We use iCab, a Macintosh browser 
> > but on PC, i tried Amaya, the w3c browser, ugly but it works.

Ugly, but it works. Yes, much like HTML. :)

Yeah, ino ino, I am quite finished dragging this farther off topic.
What, no one sings along with Ricky Martin anymore?
My kid sister does (but then, she prefers pico to vi ...)
    -- Suresh Ramasubramanian, alt.sysadmin.recovery

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