Re: data type casting to numbers with intval() or doubleval()

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I think a regex would be most appropriate here:


$my_string = "mmm444";

$my_integer = intval(eregi_replace("[a-z]", "", $my_string));

print $my_integer;


This removes all letters and takes the int value.  In perl you can remove
everything that's NOT a digit but I didn't figure that out in PHP yet...  this
should do for now.


imago wrote:
> I am having a problem with the intval() function
> I am using it to take string data and extract the number it would
> represent if only numeric.
> $my_integer = intval($my_string)
> when the sting is numbers followed by letters -
> $my_string = 4444mmm
> $my_integer = 4444
> it works as expected
> but when letters are followed by numbers
> $my_string = mmm4444
> $my_integer = 0
> Same problem with doubleval()
> What am I missing????  how do I drop the non-numeric parts of a
> string?
> imago


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