And this has *what* to do with PostgreSQL? On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth: > > The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in > source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not > be tampered with? Yes. > Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which > prevents people from messing with the code? No, I don't even know what you are thinking here. The PHP code would have essentially nothing to do with the database. You can obscure PHP source code through the use of the PHP "compiler" by Zend. I do not how difficult it is to reverse engineer code obscured in this manner. "Compiling" PHP code also improves performance also. IIRC, the "compiled" code must still be executed by `PHP`. gh > Best regards, > Chris ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly