> You cut out my example which demonstrated a way to use variable variables to > access a variable name consisting solely of a number. Though I did say > variables cannot have numbers in their name, I really meant that they cannot > consist solely of numbers. The reason I made the point and posted the > example was b/c I've seen programmers who wanted to apply numeric variable > names from within a loop and this workaround allows this to be done. Sorry dude, but yes! Variables inside variables are very elite. For instance: Question: "Please help, I'd like dynamic field names, how can I do this?!" <HTML> <BODY> <? if (isset($username)): echo "Username is <B>" . $$username . "</B><BR>\n"; echo "Password is <B>" . $$password . "</B><BR><BR>\n"; echo "<A HREF=$PHP_SELF>Back</A>\n"; else: $time = date("U"); echo "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"POST\">\n"; echo "Username: <INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"$time" . "_u\" AUTOCOMPLETE=\"OFF\"><BR>\n"; echo "Password: <INPUT TYPE=\"PASSWORD\" NAME=\"$time" . "_p\"><BR>\n"; echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"username\" VALUE=\"$time" . "_u\">\n"; echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"password\" VALUE=\"$time" . "_p\">\n"; echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"Submit\" VALUE=\"Submit\">\n"; endif; ?> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx