Hello Dan, Thanks very much for the help. Ya I tried enclosing with the quotes on that unfortunately it doesn't work, it gives error. Here are source code for the files. You can try creating a table names ACT_NetworkTab with 2 fields, NetCode(Integer) and NetWorkName(Varchar) This is the php code which is used to print the values <? //include new pgsql pear db file ... require_once("pgsqlpear.php"); //verify for database server ... if(!$db) { //error occured .. send him to Error page ... echo "Database conenction failed (Line : 18)"; exit; } else { //Begin Transaction .. $Begin_Query = "BEGIN"; $Begin_Result = $db->query($Begin_Query); //Auto Commit Query .. //$AutoCommit_Query = "SET autocommit=0"; //$AutoCommit_Result = $db->query($AutoCommit_Query); $Query = "SELECT \"NetCode\",\"NetWorkName\" FROM \"ACT_NetworkTab\""; $Result = $db->query($Query); if(DB::isError($Result)) { //Do a Roll Back .... $RoleBack_Query = "ROLLBACK"; $RoleBack_Result = $db->query($RoleBack_Query); echo "Query Failed (line 38)"; exit; } else { while($Row = $Result->fetchrow()) { echo "NetCode:",$Row[NetCode]."---NetName:".$Row[NetworkName]; echo "<br>"; } } //end of if db success .... //Commit the operation here ..... $Commit_Query = "COMMIT"; $Commit_Result = $db->query($Commit_Query); } //end of if submit ... ?> This is the pgsql.php include file for Database connectivity <? $dbuser = "postgres"; $dbpassword = "postgres"; $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbname = "ACTBilling"; require_once("DB.php"); $db = DB::connect("pgsql://$dbuser:$dbpassword@$dbhost/$dbname"); if(DB::isError($db)) { $db = 0; echo $db->getMessage(); } else { $db->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); } ?> Please try and help me!! -- Best regards, Gurudutt mailto:guru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Life is not fair - get used to it. Bill Gates Tuesday, October 09, 2001, 9:34:24 AM, you wrote: DW> This is caused by the fact that PostgreSQL is case insensitive. In order DW> for it to actually take the case into account, you need quote your field DW> names and table names. DW> So your query would then be: select "NetCode","NetworkName" from DW> "NetworkTab"; DW> Then you would be able to access the fields with $dbRow[NetworkName]. DW> -Dan DW> : Hi, DW> : DW> : It's me again. I have been ab