Has anybody got experience of using a range partitioning table using timestamptz or "timestamp with no timezone" Column and saw any of such known issues in pruning?
On Tue, 5 Mar, 2024, 1:09 am sud, <suds1434@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi,
We are designing one application which is currently restricted to one time zone users but has the possibility to go global in future. Some of the transaction tables are going to be daily range partitioned on the transaction_create_date column. But the "date" data type will have no time component in it, so we are thinking to make it as timestamp data type(timestamptz(6)), so that it will help us in us two ways,
firstly , though current use cases in which the majority of the queries are going to happen on a day or multiple days of transactions. But if we have any use case which needs further lower granularity like in hourly duration , then having "timestamp" data type with an index created on it will help. And in future , if we plan to partition it based on further lower granularity like hourly , that can be accommodated easily with a "timestamp" data type.
However the question we have is ,1)If there is any downside of having the partition key with "timestamp with timezone" type? Will it impact the partition pruning of the queries anyway by appending any run time "time zone" conversion function during the query planning/execution phase?2) As it will take the default server times , so during daylight saving the server time will change, so in that case, can it cause any unforeseen issue?3)Will this cause the data to be spread unevenly across partitions and make the partitions unevenly sized? If will go for UTC/GMT as db time, the user's one day transaction might span across two daily partitions.Thanks and RegardsSud