Re: Performance of UPDATE operation

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Maybe reconsider your expectation.
Note: Every “update” have to “select” before modifying data.
Even if the page is in memory, there still work…reading ,acquiring lock, modifying and request to write to disk.


> On 13 Feb 2023, at 18:48, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, 2023-02-13 at 16:09 +0100, Mkrtchyan, Tigran wrote:
>> Typically we expect that UPDATE is a slow operation in PostgreSQL, however,
>> there are cases where it's hard to understand why. In particular, I have a table like
>> ```
>> CREATE SEQUENCE t_inodes_inumber_seq
>>     START WITH 1
>>     CACHE 1;
>> CREATE TABLE t_inodes (
>>     inumber bigint PRIMARY KEY,
>>     icrtime timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
>>     igeneration bigint NOT NULL
>> );
>> ```
>> and a transaction that inserts and update an entry in that table:
>> ```
>> INSERT INTO t_inodes (inumber, icrtime, igeneration)
>>    VALUES (nextval('t_inodes_inumber_seq'), now(), 0) RETURNING inumber \gset
>> UPDATE t_inodes SET igeneration = igeneration + 1 where  inumber = :inumber;
>> END;
>> ```
>> The pgbench shows the following result:
>> ```
>> $ pgbench -h localhost -n -r  -f update.sql -t 10000 -c 64 -j 64 testdb
>> pgbench (15.0 (Debian 15.0-1.pgdg110+1))
>> transaction type: update.sql
>> scaling factor: 1
>> query mode: simple
>> number of clients: 64
>> number of threads: 64
>> maximum number of tries: 1
>> number of transactions per client: 10000
>> number of transactions actually processed: 640000/640000
>> number of failed transactions: 0 (0.000%)
>> latency average = 11.559 ms
>> initial connection time = 86.038 ms
>> tps = 5536.736898 (without initial connection time)
>> statement latencies in milliseconds and failures:
>>          0.524           0  BEGIN;
>>          0.819           0  INSERT INTO t_inodes (inumber, icrtime, igeneration)
>>          0.962           0  UPDATE t_inodes SET igeneration = igeneration + 1 where  inumber = :inumber;
>>          9.203           0  END;
>> ```
>> My naive expectation will be that updating the newly inserted record should cost nothing... Are there ways
>> to make it less expensive?
> Updating a newly inserted row is about as expensive as inserting the row in the first place.
> You can reduce the overall impact somewhat by creating the table with a "fillfactor" below
> 100, in your case 90 would probably be enough.  That won't speed up the UPDATE itself, but
> it should greatly reduce the need for VACUUM.
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe

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