Select on partitioned table is very slow

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Dear all,

After detecting some performance issues accessing a partitioned table in a postgres database we created a simple Java test to analyse the possible causes of this problem. The test is very simple. It just creates a database connection and executes a query on a partitioned table including the partition key column in the where clause. What we expect is that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE returns a single INDEX SCAN on the child partitioned table, as reported when this *same* query is executed from the pgadmin or psql clients. What we actually get is a PARALLEL SEQ SCAN on all the tables belonging to the partition. Here some more information




CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_product_ui_partition.product_ui
    id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('test_product_ui_partition.product_ui_seq'::regclass),
    bundle_description citext COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    bundle_distribution_path character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    mission_id citext COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    has_facets boolean,
    CONSTRAINT product_ui_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id, mission_id)
) PARTITION BY LIST (mission_id);

-- Relevant indexes

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS product_ui_mission_id_idx
    ON test_product_ui_partition.product_ui USING btree
    (mission_id COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST);

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS product_ui_logical_identifier_idx
    ON test_product_ui_partition.product_ui USING btree
    (logical_identifier COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST)

          Schema           |    Name         |       Type        |  Owner   | Persistence | Access method |  Size   | 
 test_product_ui_partition | product_ui      | partitioned table | postgres | permanent   |               | 0 bytes |
 test_product_ui_partition | product_ui_em16 | table             | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 19 GB   |
 test_product_ui_partition | product_ui_bc   | table             | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 66 MB   |


select logical_identifier, version_id, lastproduct 
   from test_product_ui_partition.product_ui pui 
    where pui.mission_id='urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16' 
      and pui.logical_identifier='urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'

This query returns one single row


Index Scan using product_ui_em16_logical_identifier_idx on product_ui_em16 pui  (cost=0.69..19.75 rows=7 width=112) (actual time=0.133..0.134 rows=1 loops=1)
[...]  Index Cond: (logical_identifier = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::citext)"
[...]  Filter: (mission_id = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::citext)"
Planning Time: 0.237 ms
Execution Time: 0.149 ms


class org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection
version: 13.7
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
version: 42.4.2
Query: explain analyze select logical_identifier, version_id, lastproduct from test_product_ui_partition.product_ui pui where pui.mission_id='urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16' and pui.logical_identifier='urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'
Gather  (cost=1000.00..5617399.10 rows=19 width=82) (actual time=9987.415..9999.325 rows=1 loops=1)
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  ->  Parallel Append  (cost=0.00..5616397.20 rows=15 width=82) (actual time=8240.465..9981.736 rows=0 loops=3)
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_em16 pui_10  (cost=0.00..2603849.81 rows=3 width=112) (actual time=3048.850..4790.105 rows=0 loops=3)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 5337106
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_rosetta pui_6  (cost=0.00..2382752.79 rows=1 width=57) (actual time=6070.946..6070.946 rows=0 loops=2)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 5878988
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_mex pui_7  (cost=0.00..354434.31 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=1280.037..1280.037 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 1085822
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_smart1 pui_8  (cost=0.00..148741.56 rows=1 width=63) (actual time=1045.532..1045.533 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 1187167
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_vex pui_13  (cost=0.00..112914.84 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=968.542..968.542 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 1133382
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_bc pui_9  (cost=0.00..8890.52 rows=1 width=83) (actual time=88.747..88.747 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 67763
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_ch1 pui_2  (cost=0.00..2224.51 rows=1 width=59) (actual time=23.304..23.304 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 20345
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_huygens pui_1  (cost=0.00..2090.82 rows=1 width=70) (actual time=21.786..21.786 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 19700
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_ground_based pui_3  (cost=0.00..260.74 rows=1 width=75) (actual time=2.615..2.616 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 2237
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_giotto pui_4  (cost=0.00..209.79 rows=1 width=47) (actual time=2.188..2.189 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 2129
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_juice pui_12  (cost=0.00..13.88 rows=1 width=67) (actual time=0.132..0.132 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 100
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_emrsp pui_11  (cost=0.00..10.26 rows=1 width=65) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on product_ui_hubble pui_5  (cost=0.00..3.29 rows=1 width=62) (actual time=0.047..0.047 rows=0 loops=1)
              Filter: (((mission_id)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission.em16'::text) AND ((logical_identifier)::text = 'urn:esa:psa:em16_tgo_frd:data_raw:frd_raw_sc_n_20220729t000000-20220729t235959'::text))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 33
Planning Time: 16.874 ms
Execution Time: 9999.496 ms
Elapsed: 10122 ms

Source code of the test is attached in the mail. It provides some other test cases as: 

Could you please provide any hint on the possible reasons of this behavior and the performance degradation that is affecting only the JAVA client.

Best regards,

Jose Osinde

Description: Binary data

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