I'd be grateful for some comments on the advisability of using a large number of concurrent logical replication publications/subscriptions. Below I've set out the current environment and a suggested design. Apologies for the length of this email. We presently have many hundreds of small databases in a cluster, in separate databases due to historical issues, security considerations and the ability to scale horizontally in future by using more than one cluster. The cluster is presently less than half a terabyte in size and runs very comfortably on a 96GB RAM/32 core Intel E5-2620 server on NVMe disks in RAID10 configuration on Linux. The individual databases cover a handful of discrete services (although they have some common data structures) and are of different sizes depending on client needs. The largest client database is currently about 7.5GB in size. We presently use streaming replication locally and remotely to replicate the cluster and it has pg_bouncer in front of it. Some settings: max_connections: 500 shared_buffers: 20GB work_mem: 15MB Due to changing client and operational requirements we need to aggregate some common data between client databases in the same organisation into single read-only databases for reporting purposes. This new requirement is in addition to keeping the client databases in operation as they are now. The potential for using logical replication comes to mind, specifically the use case of "Consolidating multiple databases into a single one" mentioned at https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/logical-replication.html Some tests suggest that we can meet the requirements for publication table replica identity and safe aggregation of data. At an overview level this consolidation might require the setup of logical replication publications from say 500 client databases aggregating in close to real time to 50 target or aggregation subscribing databases, averaging roughly 10 client database per aggregation database, but with some aggregation databases having roughly 50 clients. I would be grateful for comments on the following design proposals: * to avoid overloading the existing primary host with many replication slots, it would be wise to implement aggregation on another host * the new aggregation host should receive streaming replication data from the primary on a first postgresql instance which will also have logical replication publishers on each relevant client database. As noted above, there may be ~500 publications * the new aggregation host would have a second postgresql instance serving the aggregation databases each acting as logical replication subscribers. As noted above, there would be ~50 target databases each with an average of ~10 subscriptions to the first postgresql instance. * that only one subscription per client database is needed (after initial synchronisation) to synchronise all tables in a particular client database schema * that publications and subscriptions are brought online on a per-client database basis, to reduce the number of replication slots required due to initial synchronisation (the docs aren't clear about how many temporary replication slots may be needed "for the initial data synchronisation of pre-existing table data"; see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/logical-replication-subscription.html) * that a similar server to the one noted above can handle two postgresql instances as described together with ~250 concurrent client connections to the second instance to serve client reporting needs. Thoughts gratefully received, Rory