Hi Rainer ,
We tried to create the partial ‘index on table but it did not help, and it is taking approx. 7 sec now. Also we tried to force the query to use the index by enabling the parameter at session level set enable_seqscan=false; and it is still taking the time below is the explain plan for the same
https://explain.depesz.com/s/YRWIW#stats Also we running the query which is actually used in application and above query is used in below query. Below is the explain plan for same. https://explain.depesz.com/s/wktl#stats Please assist
Thanks and Regards, Mukesh Kuma From: Ranier Vilela <ranier.vf@xxxxxxxxx> Em qui., 14 de abr. de 2022 às 08:01, Kumar, Mukesh <MKumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
You can try create a partial index that help this filter: Filter: ((lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c))::text = ANY ('{PAID,MANUALLYPAID}'::text[]))
See at: regards, Ranier Vilela |