Two tables being copied into. I chased the first FK tables from the job_entry. I can do the entire thing if you want. There are bunches...
tapesystem=# \d ds3.job_entry
Table "ds3.job_entry"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
blob_id | uuid | | not null |
chunk_id | uuid | | not null |
id | uuid | | not null |
job_id | uuid | | not null |
order_index | integer | | not null |
"job_entry_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"job_entry_blob_id_idx" btree (blob_id)
"job_entry_chunk_id_idx" btree (chunk_id)
"job_entry_job_id_blob_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (job_id, blob_id)
"job_entry_job_id_idx" btree (job_id)
"job_entry_order_index_chunk_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (order_index, chunk_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"job_entry_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
"job_entry_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
"job_entry_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
tapesystem=# \d ds3.job_chunk
Table "ds3.job_chunk"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
blob_store_state | ds3.job_chunk_blob_store_state | | not null |
chunk_number | integer | | not null |
id | uuid | | not null |
job_id | uuid | | not null |
node_id | uuid | | |
pending_target_commit | boolean | | not null |
read_from_azure_target_id | uuid | | |
read_from_ds3_target_id | uuid | | |
read_from_pool_id | uuid | | |
read_from_s3_target_id | uuid | | |
read_from_tape_id | uuid | | |
"job_chunk_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"job_chunk_blob_store_state_idx" btree (blob_store_state)
"job_chunk_chunk_number_job_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (chunk_number, job_id)
"job_chunk_job_id_idx" btree (job_id)
"job_chunk_node_id_idx" btree (node_id)
"job_chunk_read_from_azure_target_id_idx" btree (read_from_azure_target_id)
"job_chunk_read_from_ds3_target_id_idx" btree (read_from_ds3_target_id)
"job_chunk_read_from_pool_id_idx" btree (read_from_pool_id)
"job_chunk_read_from_s3_target_id_idx" btree (read_from_s3_target_id)
"job_chunk_read_from_tape_id_idx" btree (read_from_tape_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"job_chunk_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
"job_chunk_node_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES ds3.node(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
"job_chunk_read_from_azure_target_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (read_from_azure_target_id) REFERENCES target.azure_target(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
"job_chunk_read_from_ds3_target_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (read_from_ds3_target_id) REFERENCES target.ds3_target(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
"job_chunk_read_from_pool_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (read_from_pool_id) REFERENCES pool.pool(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
"job_chunk_read_from_s3_target_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (read_from_s3_target_id) REFERENCES target.s3_target(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
"job_chunk_read_from_tape_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (read_from_tape_id) REFERENCES tape.tape(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
Referenced by:
TABLE "ds3.job_chunk_azure_target" CONSTRAINT "job_chunk_azure_target_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_chunk_ds3_target" CONSTRAINT "job_chunk_ds3_target_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_chunk_persistence_target" CONSTRAINT "job_chunk_persistence_target_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_chunk_s3_target" CONSTRAINT "job_chunk_s3_target_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_entry" CONSTRAINT "job_entry_chunk_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chunk_id) REFERENCES ds3.job_chunk(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
tapesystem=# \d ds3.job
Table "ds3.job"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
bucket_id | uuid | | not null |
cached_size_in_bytes | bigint | | not null |
chunk_client_processing_order_guarantee | ds3.job_chunk_client_processing_order_guarantee | | not null |
completed_size_in_bytes | bigint | | not null |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | | not null |
id | uuid | | not null |
original_size_in_bytes | bigint | | not null |
priority | ds3.blob_store_task_priority | | not null |
request_type | ds3.job_request_type | | not null |
user_id | uuid | | not null |
truncated | boolean | | not null |
rechunked | timestamp without time zone | | |
error_message | character varying | | |
naked | boolean | | not null |
name | character varying | | not null |
aggregating | boolean | | not null |
minimize_spanning_across_media | boolean | | not null |
truncated_due_to_timeout | boolean | | not null |
implicit_job_id_resolution | boolean | | not null |
verify_after_write | boolean | | not null |
replicating | boolean | | not null |
dead_job_cleanup_allowed | boolean | | not null |
restore | ds3.job_restore | | not null |
"job_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"ds3_job__bucket_id" btree (bucket_id)
"ds3_job__created_at" btree (created_at)
"ds3_job__name" btree (name)
"ds3_job__user_id" btree (user_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"job_bucket_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (bucket_id) REFERENCES ds3.bucket(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
"job_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ds3."user"(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE
Referenced by:
TABLE "ds3.data_migration" CONSTRAINT "data_migration_get_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (get_job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
TABLE "ds3.data_migration" CONSTRAINT "data_migration_put_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (put_job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
TABLE "ds3.job_chunk" CONSTRAINT "job_chunk_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "notification.job_completed_notification_registration" CONSTRAINT "job_completed_notification_registration_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_entry" CONSTRAINT "job_entry_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "notification.s3_object_cached_notification_registration" CONSTRAINT "s3_object_cached_notification_registration_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE
TABLE "notification.s3_object_persisted_notification_registration" CONSTRAINT "s3_object_persisted_notification_registration_job_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES ds3.job(id) ON UPDATE
tapesystem=# \d ds3.blob
Table "ds3.blob"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
byte_offset | bigint | | not null |
checksum | character varying | | |
checksum_type | security.checksum_type | | |
id | uuid | | not null |
length | bigint | | not null |
object_id | uuid | | not null |
"blob_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"blob_byte_offset_object_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (byte_offset, object_id)
"ds3_blob__object_id" btree (object_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"blob_object_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES ds3.s3_object(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE
Referenced by:
TABLE "target.blob_azure_target" CONSTRAINT "blob_azure_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "temp.blob_azure_target_to_verify" CONSTRAINT "blob_azure_target_to_verify_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "pool.blob_pool" CONSTRAINT "blob_pool_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "target.blob_s3_target" CONSTRAINT "blob_s3_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "temp.blob_s3_target_to_verify" CONSTRAINT "blob_s3_target_to_verify_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "tape.blob_tape" CONSTRAINT "blob_tape_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "target.blob_ds3_target" CONSTRAINT "blob_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.degraded_blob" CONSTRAINT "degraded_blob_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.job_entry" CONSTRAINT "job_entry_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.multi_part_upload_part" CONSTRAINT "multi_part_upload_part_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "ds3.multi_part_upload" CONSTRAINT "multi_part_upload_placeholder_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "pool.obsolete_blob_pool" CONSTRAINT "obsolete_blob_pool_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "tape.obsolete_blob_tape" CONSTRAINT "obsolete_blob_tape_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "target.suspect_blob_azure_target" CONSTRAINT "suspect_blob_azure_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "pool.suspect_blob_pool" CONSTRAINT "suspect_blob_pool_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "target.suspect_blob_s3_target" CONSTRAINT "suspect_blob_s3_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "tape.suspect_blob_tape" CONSTRAINT "suspect_blob_tape_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "target.suspect_blob_ds3_target" CONSTRAINT "suspect_blob_target_blob_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (blob_id) REFERENCES ds3.blob(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Not at the time this is happening.
Auto-commit is enabled for that connection, so each COPY should be in its own transaction.
I’d have to see what it would take to get to 13.5