Hi Experts,
The attached query is performing slow, this needs to be optimized to improve the performance.
Thanks a ton in advance for your support.
SELECT tab2.rulename, tab2.totalexecuted, tab2.uniqueorder, tab1.des description, tab2.max, tab1.ruletype, tab2.uniqueorder pertange FROM (SELECT re.rule_name ruleName, Count (*) totalExecuted, Count (DISTINCT re.order_id) uniqueOrder, Max (re.id) FROM rule_execution re WHERE ? = ? AND re.status = ? AND re. type IN ( ?, ? ) AND re.order_id IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, **************************** **************************** ?, ? ) GROUP BY re.rule_name) tab2 INNER JOIN (SELECT re2.rule_name, Max (re2.rule_description) des, Max (re2. type) ruleType FROM (SELECT re4.rule_name, Max (re4.created_date) FROM sample.rule_execution re4 WHERE ? = ? AND re4.status = ? AND re4. type IN ( ?, ? ) AND re4.order_id IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, **************************** **************************** ?, ? ) GROUP BY re4.rule_name) re1 INNER JOIN rule_execution re2 ON re2.rule_name = re1.rule_name AND re2.created_date = re1. max GROUP BY re2.rule_name) tab1 ON tab1.rule_name = tab2.rulename ORDER BY totalexecuted DESC, rulename ASC LIMIT ? currrent indexes on rule_execution table : sample_rule_execution_upper_sample_id_idx sample_rule_execution_sample_id_idx sample_rule_execution_order_id_idx rule_pkey rule_execution_migration_unique