Great to hear that some of the issues are now mitigated. Though, perhaps you actually require that ORDER BY if items are expected to be sitting in the queue quite some time because you have incoming queue items in a burst pattern and have to play catch up sometimes. If so, I highly suspect the index on q_id is becoming very bloated and reindex concurrently would help.
I am unclear on what purpose a "processing" status would have. Shouldn't a row be in the incoming status & locked by select for update, until it either gets updated to ok or failed (or left alone if retry is needed)? What purpose do the retry and processing statuses serve? I don't understand your full workflow to venture a guess on how you are hitting that error regarding a row being in the wrong partition, but fewer main level partitions and removing unneeded updates seems likely to help or resolve the issue perhaps.
I don't know if you might have missed my last message, and the suggestion from Laurenz to check pgstattuple.
At a high level, it seems like any needed update to the rows would result in it being removed from the current partition and moved to another partition. If you are doing this in a transaction block, then you could just as well skip the select for update and just DELETE [] RETURNING from the existing partition and insert into the new partition later (use a select for update if you want to order the deletes*). If your transaction fails and gets rolled back, then the delete won't have happened and the row will get picked up by the next consumer.
Another thought is that I don't know how performant that hash partitioning will be for select for update, particularly if that targets many partitions potentially. Would it be feasible to match the number of partitions to the number of consumers and actually have each of them working on one?