Hello, I'm not able to use your perfs diagrams, but it seems to me that not using 3rd column of that index (int_otherid2) generates an IO problem. Could you give us the result of explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT tabledata.uuid_id,tabledata.int_id,tabledata.timestamp_date,tabledata.int_otherid,tabledata.float_value,tabledata.int_otherid2,tabledata.int_otherid3,tabledata.int_rowver FROM tabledata WHERE timestamp_date <= '2020-02-24 03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time zone ND int_otherid3 = '3ad2b707-a068-42e8-b0f2-6c8570953760' AND tabledata.int_id=8149 ORDER BY timestamp_date DESC LIMIT 1 and this for each value of int_otherid3 ? and tell us if you are able to change the sql ? Thanks Regards PAscal -- Sent from: https://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-performance-f2050081.html