Re: PostgreSQL 11 higher Planning time on Partitioned table

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Hi Justin,

Thanks for response.

Unfortunately we will not be able to migrate to PG12 any time soon.
  • There is only one index (unique index btree) on 'txnID' (i.e. transaction ID) character varying(36). Which we are creating on each partition.
  • Our use case is limited to simple selects (we don't join with the other tables) however, we are expecting ~70 million records inserted per day and there would be couple of updates on each records where average record size would be ~ 1.5 KB. 
  • Currently we are thinking to have Daily partitions and as we need to keep 6 months of data thus 180 Partitions.However we have liberty to reduce the number of partitions to weekly/fortnightly/monthly, If we get comparable performance.
  • We need to look current partition and previous partition for all of our use-cases/queries.
Can you please suggest what sort of combinations/partition strategy we can test considering data-volume/vacuum etc. Also let me know if some of the pg_settings can help us tuning this (I have attached my pg_settings).

Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Garg,
Mob : +91-98930-66610

On Sunday, 23 February, 2020, 03:42:13 pm IST, Justin Pryzby <pryzby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 09:56:30AM +0000, Ravi Garg wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking to Range Partition one of my table (i.e. TransactionLog) in PostgreSQL 11.While evaluating query performance difference between the un-partitioned and partitioned table I am getting huge difference in planning time. Planning time is very high on partitioned table.Similarly when I query by specifying partition name directly in query the planning time is much less **0.081 ms** as compared to when I query based on partition table (parent table) name in query, where planning time **6.231 ms** (Samples below).<br>

That's probably to be expected under pg11:
|Too many partitions can mean longer query planning times...
|It is also important to consider the overhead of partitioning during query planning and execution. The query planner is generally able to handle partition hierarchies with up to a few hundred partitions fairly well, provided that typical queries allow the query planner to prune all but a small number of partitions. Planning times become longer and memory consumption becomes higher as more partitions are added

> There are around ~200 child partitions. Partition pruning enabled.PostgreSQL Version: PostgreSQL 11.7 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39), 64-bit

How large are the partitions and how many indexes each, and how large are they?
Each partition will be stat()ed and each index will be open()ed and read() for
every query.  This was resolved in pg12:


postgres=# select name, setting from pg_settings order by name desc;
                  name                  |                 setting
 zero_damaged_pages                     | off
 xmloption                              | content
 xmlbinary                              | base64
 work_mem                               | 4096
 wal_writer_flush_after                 | 128
 wal_writer_delay                       | 200
 wal_sync_method                        | fdatasync
 wal_sender_timeout                     | 60000
 wal_segment_size                       | 1073741824
 wal_retrieve_retry_interval            | 5000
 wal_receiver_timeout                   | 60000
 wal_receiver_status_interval           | 10
 wal_log_hints                          | on
 wal_level                              | replica
 wal_keep_segments                      | 50
 wal_consistency_checking               |
 wal_compression                        | off
 wal_buffers                            | 8192
 wal_block_size                         | 8192
 vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age      | 150000000
 vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age        | 5000000
 vacuum_freeze_table_age                | 150000000
 vacuum_freeze_min_age                  | 50000000
 vacuum_defer_cleanup_age               | 0
 vacuum_cost_page_miss                  | 10
 vacuum_cost_page_hit                   | 1
 vacuum_cost_page_dirty                 | 20
 vacuum_cost_limit                      | 800
 vacuum_cost_delay                      | 0
 vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor      | 0.1
 update_process_title                   | on
 unix_socket_permissions                | 0777
 unix_socket_group                      |
 unix_socket_directories                | /tmp
 transform_null_equals                  | off
 transaction_read_only                  | off
 transaction_isolation                  | read committed
 transaction_deferrable                 | off
 track_io_timing                        | on
 track_functions                        | all
 track_counts                           | on
 track_commit_timestamp                 | off
 track_activity_query_size              | 1024
 track_activities                       | on
 trace_sort                             | off
 trace_recovery_messages                | log
 trace_notify                           | off
 timezone_abbreviations                 | Default
 TimeZone                               | UTC
 temp_tablespaces                       |
 temp_file_limit                        | -1
 temp_buffers                           | 1024
 tcp_keepalives_interval                | 75
 tcp_keepalives_idle                    | 7200
 tcp_keepalives_count                   | 9
 syslog_split_messages                  | on
 syslog_sequence_numbers                | on
 syslog_ident                           | postgres
 syslog_facility                        | local0
 synchronous_standby_names              |
 synchronous_commit                     | on
 synchronize_seqscans                   | on
 superuser_reserved_connections         | 3
 stats_temp_directory                   | pg_stat_tmp
 statement_timeout                      | 0
 standard_conforming_strings            | on
 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers              | on
 ssl_passphrase_command_supports_reload | off
 ssl_passphrase_command                 |
 ssl_key_file                           | server.key
 ssl_ecdh_curve                         | prime256v1
 ssl_dh_params_file                     |
 ssl_crl_file                           |
 ssl_ciphers                            | HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL
 ssl_cert_file                          | server.crt
 ssl_ca_file                            |
 ssl                                    | off
 shared_preload_libraries               |
 shared_buffers                         | 1048576
 session_replication_role               | origin
 session_preload_libraries              |
 server_version_num                     | 110007
 server_version                         | 11.7
 server_encoding                        | UTF8
 seq_page_cost                          | 1
 segment_size                           | 131072
 search_path                            | "$user", public
 row_security                           | on
 restart_after_crash                    | on
 random_page_cost                       | 2
 quote_all_identifiers                  | off
 pre_auth_delay                         | 0
 post_auth_delay                        | 0
 port                                   | 5432
 password_encryption                    | md5
 parallel_tuple_cost                    | 0.1
 parallel_setup_cost                    | 1000
 parallel_leader_participation          | on
 operator_precedence_warning            | off
 old_snapshot_threshold                 | -1
 min_wal_size                           | 20480
 min_parallel_table_scan_size           | 1024
 min_parallel_index_scan_size           | 64
 max_worker_processes                   | 8
 max_wal_size                           | 61440
 max_wal_senders                        | 10
 max_sync_workers_per_subscription      | 2
 max_standby_streaming_delay            | 30000
 max_standby_archive_delay              | 30000
 max_stack_depth                        | 2048
 max_replication_slots                  | 10
 max_prepared_transactions              | 0
 max_pred_locks_per_transaction         | 64
 max_pred_locks_per_relation            | -2
 max_pred_locks_per_page                | 2
 max_parallel_workers_per_gather        | 2
 max_parallel_workers                   | 8
 max_parallel_maintenance_workers       | 2
 max_logical_replication_workers        | 6
 max_locks_per_transaction              | 64
 max_index_keys                         | 32
 max_identifier_length                  | 63
 max_function_args                      | 100
 max_files_per_process                  | 1000
 max_connections                        | 3000
 maintenance_work_mem                   | 1048576
 log_truncate_on_rotation               | on
 log_timezone                           | UTC
 log_temp_files                         | 0
 log_statement_stats                    | off
 log_statement                          | mod
 log_rotation_size                      | 0
 log_rotation_age                       | 1440
 log_replication_commands               | off
 log_planner_stats                      | off
 log_parser_stats                       | off
 log_min_messages                       | warning
 log_min_error_statement                | error
 log_min_duration_statement             | 0
 log_lock_waits                         | on
 log_line_prefix                        | [%p-%s-%c-%l-%h-%u-%d-%a-%m]
 log_hostname                           | off
 logging_collector                      | on
 log_filename                           | postgresql-%a.log
 log_file_mode                          | 0600
 log_executor_stats                     | off
 log_error_verbosity                    | default
 log_duration                           | on
 log_disconnections                     | on
 log_directory                          | /u02/pglogs
 log_destination                        | stderr
 log_connections                        | on
 log_checkpoints                        | on
 log_autovacuum_min_duration            | 0
 lo_compat_privileges                   | off
 lock_timeout                           | 0
 local_preload_libraries                |
 listen_addresses                       |
 lc_time                                | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_numeric                             | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_monetary                            | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_messages                            | C
 lc_ctype                               | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_collate                             | en_US.UTF-8
 krb_server_keyfile                     | FILE:/etc/sysconfig/pgsql/krb5.keytab
 krb_caseins_users                      | off
 join_collapse_limit                    | 8
 jit_tuple_deforming                    | on
 jit_provider                           | llvmjit
 jit_profiling_support                  | off
 jit_optimize_above_cost                | 500000
 jit_inline_above_cost                  | 500000
 jit_expressions                        | on
 jit_dump_bitcode                       | off
 jit_debugging_support                  | off
 jit_above_cost                         | 100000
 jit                                    | off
 IntervalStyle                          | postgres
 integer_datetimes                      | on
 ignore_system_indexes                  | off
 ignore_checksum_failure                | off
 idle_in_transaction_session_timeout    | 0
 ident_file                             | /opt/PostgreSQL/11/data/pg_ident.conf
 huge_pages                             | try
 hot_standby_feedback                   | off
 hot_standby                            | on
 hba_file                               | /opt/PostgreSQL/11/data/pg_hba.conf
 gin_pending_list_limit                 | 4096
 gin_fuzzy_search_limit                 | 0
 geqo_threshold                         | 12
 geqo_selection_bias                    | 2
 geqo_seed                              | 0
 geqo_pool_size                         | 0
 geqo_generations                       | 0
 geqo_effort                            | 5
 geqo                                   | on
 full_page_writes                       | on
 fsync                                  | on
 from_collapse_limit                    | 8
 force_parallel_mode                    | off
 extra_float_digits                     | 0
 external_pid_file                      |
 exit_on_error                          | off
 event_source                           | PostgreSQL
 escape_string_warning                  | on
 enable_tidscan                         | on
 enable_sort                            | on
 enable_seqscan                         | on
 enable_partitionwise_join              | off
 enable_partitionwise_aggregate         | off
 enable_partition_pruning               | on
 enable_parallel_hash                   | on
 enable_parallel_append                 | on
 enable_nestloop                        | on
 enable_mergejoin                       | on
 enable_material                        | on
 enable_indexscan                       | on
 enable_indexonlyscan                   | on
 enable_hashjoin                        | on
 enable_hashagg                         | on
 enable_gathermerge                     | on
 enable_bitmapscan                      | on
 effective_io_concurrency               | 1
 effective_cache_size                   | 524288
 dynamic_shared_memory_type             | posix
 dynamic_library_path                   | $libdir
 default_with_oids                      | off
 default_transaction_read_only          | off
 default_transaction_isolation          | read committed
 default_transaction_deferrable         | off
 default_text_search_config             | pg_catalog.english
 default_tablespace                     |
 default_statistics_target              | 5000
 debug_print_rewritten                  | off
 debug_print_plan                       | off
 debug_print_parse                      | off
 debug_pretty_print                     | on
 debug_assertions                       | off
 deadlock_timeout                       | 1000
 db_user_namespace                      | off
 DateStyle                              | ISO, MDY
 data_sync_retry                        | off
 data_directory_mode                    | 0700
 data_directory                         | /opt/PostgreSQL/11/data
 data_checksums                         | off
 cursor_tuple_fraction                  | 0.1
 cpu_tuple_cost                         | 0.03
 cpu_operator_cost                      | 0.0025
 cpu_index_tuple_cost                   | 0.005
 constraint_exclusion                   | partition
 config_file                            | /opt/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf
 commit_siblings                        | 5
 commit_delay                           | 0
 cluster_name                           | mracluster
 client_min_messages                    | notice
 client_encoding                        | UTF8
 checkpoint_warning                     | 60
 checkpoint_timeout                     | 300
 checkpoint_flush_after                 | 32
 checkpoint_completion_target           | 0.9
 check_function_bodies                  | on
 bytea_output                           | hex
 bonjour_name                           |
 bonjour                                | off
 block_size                             | 8192
 bgwriter_lru_multiplier                | 4
 bgwriter_lru_maxpages                  | 1000
 bgwriter_flush_after                   | 64
 bgwriter_delay                         | 100
 backslash_quote                        | safe_encoding
 backend_flush_after                    | 0
 autovacuum_work_mem                    | -1
 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold            | 50
 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor         | 0.05
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit           | -1
 autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay           | 10
 autovacuum_naptime                     | 5
 autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age    | 400000000
 autovacuum_max_workers                 | 3
 autovacuum_freeze_max_age              | 200000000
 autovacuum_analyze_threshold           | 50
 autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor        | 0.05
 autovacuum                             | on
 authentication_timeout                 | 60
 array_nulls                            | on
 archive_timeout                        | 0
 archive_mode                           | off
 archive_command                        | (disabled)
 application_name                       | psql
 allow_system_table_mods                | off
(290 rows)

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